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How to increase Breast Milk

  1. Why is it important?

Breast feeding is one of the most important tasks of a mother. Doctors stress that mothers breast feed for the first six months at least as the breast milk is equivalent to a magic potion for infants. It has the highest nutritional value as it includes the perfect amount of vitamins, proteins and fats needed for your baby to grow. Breast milk builds immunity of infants at an early age and help fight off bacteria and viruses. It is known that babies who are breastfed since birth have few illnesses later in life and lead a healthier lifestyle than babies who are not breastfed. Breast milk aids in weight gain in babies which is a vital requirement for growing babies. It was also found that formula-fed babies have a significantly higher risk of childhood obesity than breastfed babies. Breast feeding is not only important for the infant, but for the mother too. Breast feeding helps you connect to your baby by skin-to-skin touching. However, there is absolutely no need to panic if for some reason breast feeding isn’t the right option for you. It is important to remember, every mother has a different experience and no experience is right or wrong.

2. How to increase breastmilk?

To produce more breast milk, there are various methods. We have compiled a list of methods that were useful for mothers around us and part of our Baby Aahar community.

  • Using a breast pump regularly- Using a breast pump regularly makes you produce more milk. Today, compact breast pumps such as Medela, etc. make it much easier to take out a few minutes anywhere and store milk without compromising!
  • Breastfeeding as much as possible- Breastfeeding is like a concept out of an economics book, it works on the demand and supply laws. The more there is demand, the more is supplied by your body. New mothers can create reminders to breastfeed their infants every 3.5 hours.
  • It’s all about the latch- Your baby’s latch creates the difference between a successful and unsuccessful feed. Even with adequate supply of milk, a poor latch can leave your infant hungry. By creating a good latch, your body will increase milk production as the infant feeds more. (Remember demand and supply!)
  • Lactation consultant- A lactation consultant can help understand issues specific to your style of breastfeeding and resolve them so your infant feels fuller. There is absolutely no shame in getting help when required, mothers! Remember, you’re doing a great job!
  • Breast feeding from both breasts- It is recommended to breast feeding should be done from both breasts initially. Try alternating the breasts with each feed to create more supply of milk. Remember to drain milk to prevent build-up of breastmilk!

Take care of yourself!- Eating well is an important factor for mothers as breastfeeding often and for longer periods requires patience and energy. A good diet also helps create healthy milk supply for your infant. This takes us to our next topic!

3. Foods that can help!

A well balanced diet for mothers is important. However while breastfeeding, a few superfoods are required additionally to keep the mother healthy as well as the milk supply.

  • Oatmeal- Oatmeal is a milk production enhancer with a very high concentration of dietary Beta-Glucan. Beta-Glucan helps in production of “prolactin” which is a breastfeeding hormone. Oatmeal is a versatile ingredient and easy to make. (Try this yummy recipe Strawberry Oatmeal Smoothie!)
  • Barley- Barley is an extremely nutritious grain, with a high level of beta-glucan. It has a very low level of fat and hence has two benefits, for you and your infants!
  • Barley malt- Barley malt is a sweet version of Barley which also contains lactogenic beta-glucan!
  • Fennel- Fennel is a galactagogue which helps increase breastmilk supply. You can make fennel tea, you can roast it, use it as salad dressing and so much more!
  • Papaya- Papaya has a high level of galactagogue and can be used both raw and cooked!
  • Brewer’s yeast- It is a traditional method of increasing breastmilk, but still very effective! While beer is recommended for breastfeeding, the alcohol component is not good for breastmilk. Hence, this ingredient has the benefits of beer without the alcohol!

4. General tips from mothers to mother

Here are a few tried and tested tips to make it a little easier-

  • Listen to your baby’s needs. Every baby is different and the time and frequency of feeds can be different.
  • Be relaxed and comfortable while feeding.
  • Leaking is a part and parcel of this activity!

Lastly, don’t stress too much and trust your instincts. Happy feeding!

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