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How Moms Can Find “ME” Time

Many moms are unable to find their “me” time. and this then grows up to big problems making many “moms” feel that after having a lid they have stopped living there own lives. But it is not so, as this period is very short.
It’s often said that the first step to fixing any problem is to first identify that you have one. As soon as we let our guard down and told our self that we couldn’t be a “super mom”, things get a lot easier. Taking that burden off of having to do it all off our shoulders is a HUGE relief. Telling yourself that we are not our best self, and dare we say, even “unhappy” going on like we are, is what needs to come first.

Knowing what gives you the most value for your buck

The reality remains that you still want to be the mom your children deserve. And with that said, you can’t run off on alternate days for endless spa treatments and kitties or outing with friends. Thus, being a mother, you need to identify what will bring you the most happiness in the most minimal of ways. For some mothers this might be crafting or shopping, for others it might be getting a massage or taking a nice and cleansing bubble bath. Others might find the greatest joy in going out with their friends or working out in the gym. Wherever your happiness may lie, identify it.

Make a list of the best “me time” activities

Me time is a kind of time that isn’t always planned. Sometimes it can come out of nowhere like when your husband unexpectedly gets home from work early. And sometimes it is brief. Sometimes grandma and grandpa swing by to visit with the children for sometime. You should know that “me time” can’t be always planned and lengthy. So it is important to keep a go-to list.

For the above stated fact we want to help you out with the list
This list should include short activities that are able to keep you happy even if only for 20 minutes. Here are a few suggestions that we at Baby Aahar would recommend…

  • A bubble bath
  • Getting a manicure/pedicure
  • Reading a new new/flipping through an interesting magazine
  • Watching a new TV show
  • Taking a small nap
  • Taking classes and following your passion in fields like photography, sewing etc.) all without leaving your home.

Have an open and honest conversation I am sure that we are blessed with a wonderful husband who works very hard every day and yet manages to come home with a smile on his face just so that he doesn’t let you feel bad no matter how his day went. However, no matter how wonderful he is, he can’t read our mind. In the start of motherhood find ourselves wanting him to identify when we need “me time”. However, the truth is we tend to become selfish. He has his own list of responsibilities and his own desire for “me time”. How could we expect him to identify, what we for a long time couldn’t even identify in ourselves?

As soon as we share with our husband exactly how we feel and how we need some “me time”, we would be floored just how receptive he is. While life happens and his work schedule doesn’t allow us for the “me time” of our dreams, he is far more understanding and eager to help us obtain our “me time” once you share with him your needs.

Sharing “Me Time”

Just as we need our “me time”, we 100% know and value that our husband does as well. While he may not be required to take on all the same roles as we do as a mother, he definitely has his own set as a loving and caring father. Being truly open and honest with him about our needs, allows for him to do the same. Not only does he feel instant relief with increased “me time” but he is that much more understanding of our need when he can experience it himself. Nothing is like a good weekend for those “me time” voids.

Understanding little goes a long way

As we talked above, sometimes we might only get the smallest amount of “me time”. However, one will be surprised how so little can go such a long way. Very quickly you might discover that you don’t need an entire day to feel rejuvenated. Sometimes all it takes is a 15 minute bath to decompress, change our mood and start fresh.

Be open to the need to restructure

All of us know that life happens and children are anything but predictable. While on one fine day they might spend 100% of their time at home, the next day they might be involved in every activity they find, requiring you to run behind them this way and that way all the time, and everywhere in between. One day your significant other might get home early from work, and the next he might be off on an important business trip.

Knowing how much you’re worth

The last tip is perhaps the most important one. You NEED to see yourself as a priority and you NEED to know your worthiness for having “me time”. As a mother, you could sacrifice it all, without actually sacrificing it ALL. Your significant other and your children, your coworkers, your extended family and friends, start to enjoy being around you more often after you’ve had that precious bit of “me time”. You will enjoy yourself much more after getting “me time” as well.

Now head out there and get your most deserved “me time”! But Always remember, motherhood is like a marathon and not a sprint. Keep Making sure that you are fueling up along the way!

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