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I doubt my husband! The answer you need to know

The life of every couple is very happy and blissfull unless a doubt comes into the frame. And this doubt might lead to worries and make you feel insecure. If you don’t talk and sort your issues until then everything would get pile up and start ruining everything. You need to tackle your doubts and make things right. The very first step is to get to the source from where this doubt started to initiate and then you should openly ask your partner about it.

You should communicate with your partner to clear your fears –

Instead of boiling up wrong thoughts in your mind you should talk about them with your partner. Talking about the doubts in your mind would help you let go off the stress. Express yourself out in front of your partner.

Don’t doubt unncessarily as it may lead to bad situations –

Notice the places where you feel that your partner is going wrong. After this try to challenge your thoughts that whatever the wrong image that is developing in your mind is wrong and try to see it in a different way. Like if your partner is unable to pick your call then instead of thinking about negative things, think that he/she might be in a meeting or busy somewhere.

Try to look for things that make you feel worthy apart from your relationship –

By making a list of things that help you feel good would be a great benefit. This will help you to recognize yourself and keep your mind instead of thinking about the negative thoughts about your partner. This can be very positive to keep your relationship safe and healthy.

Ask your partner comfortably for reassurance –

Even after sharing your fears you don’t feel comforatble then you can ask your partner to reassure you with some support. Ask them to remind you that what you mean to them and show a little bit of affection with a hug or a kiss.

Whenever you get any doubt in your head then try to stop that thought there itself –

So many negative thoughts can affect your mind a lot. It will later start interfering with your life and disturb your focus and the productivity level. Therefore train your mind enough to not think negative and try to distract yourself with some other activity.

If you are uncertain then try to be mindful of the decisions you make –

The feeling of being afraid and unsure is not good for your relationship and your health too. Start to practice small sessions where you can keep your mind calm and healthy which will help you embrace the small moments and tolerate all kinds of uncertainty in your life.

You both can work together to get some solutions to the problems –

Make sure that exactly what behavior of your partner is disturbing you and getting doubts in your mind. Then you and your partner can sit together and discuss all of them and sort things.

Make sure that the doubts you have in your mind have proper evidence –

If there is something that is constantly bothering you then you should always try to look for the search and try to alt+ctrl+delete it from your mind. Else if you are very eager then try to look for the evidence before reaching onto different conclusions.

Try to keep yourself away from the negative people –

There are many people who without any reason have the habit of speaking negative no matter what the situation is. It is better to stay away from such as it could affect your relationship.

Get time for each other –

Make sure you and your partner are able to get out some time for each other where you can spend some quality time and share an affection for each other. This is necessary because in many relationships the gap of this quality time and affection leads several doubts to creep in. therefore you both should try to compare your schedules and get some days or nights to spend a together one-on-one time. And try to keep your phones aside and letting know others about your special time.

Decide if your doubts are deal-breakers –

There is no relationship in which there are no doubts. Therefore some small doubts are completely normal. But if they seem to continue then try to reach its roots and find exactly what is the issue. There are many relations where such doubts grow up later on and lead the other partner to leave from the relationship.

Never forget to appreciate your partner’s efforts –

If your partner tries something for you or if he/she tries to make you feel special in some of the other way then remember to appreciate or give feedback. It is required because your partner is trying hard all ready to make you feel comfortable and secure in the relationship so you should also contribute some. Expressing gratitude would also make your partner feel reassured.

Talk your doubts with a therapist –

Even after trying so hard, you are unable to resolve your issues then try to reach out for therapists who can help you with your relationship doubts. Because by this it would stop you from taking the wrong steps and help you reach the bottom of the problem.

Doubts are often felt like a shock when you face them first. And then it starts to build up differences between you and your partner. Before such differences, you should always ask yourself questions that would help you get some clarity about your relationship. It would help you know what exactly is working and what is not, along with the reasons behind it. The questions you can ask to yourself can be like –
Q1. If you believe in the term soulmates then do you believe that you both are soulmates?
Q2. Are you happy and satisfied with the current state of intimacy you two have?
Q3. do you feel that you have done enough sacrifices for your relationship to continue well? And have they been reciprocated?
Q4. what exactly is the reason that you feel threatened or insecure when other people find your partner attractive?

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